If you’re wondering why I decided to come up with 15 quick language learning activities for busy people, let me tell you that it’s is because nobody has time for anything anymore! A 9 to 5 job, family, kids, commuting – all these things keep you super busy and you’d rather just lie on the couch watching a movie (in your native language, of course) and disconnect from everything.
I feel you. I’m writing this blog, have a full time job, I’m moving house in a month and I’m preparing a workshop that’ll take place in two months. Thankfully, I graduated two months ago, which makes it easier, but still.
That said, I’m pretty sure all of us have at least TEN MINUTES. The following activities will only take you that long, so let’s get started and do something productive for at least a short while. ⌛
1) Read two pages of a book
Yep, it will take you approximately 10 minutes to read two pages! Hey, that’s an entire book in about 3 months, which is super slow but think about this: If you started doing this 3 months ago, you’d already have read a book. I’m pretty sure it already took me longer than that to read a regular book in English because I wasn’t consistent.
2) Learn 5 new words (preferably around the same topic)
I definitely DON’T think you should choose just any topic. To make it more effective, try to go for something that’s similar to what you’re experiencing or something that you have on your mind. Look for meanings and example sentences for 5 minutes and then think of your own examples for the remaining time.
Random words will confuse you and won’t make much sense due to context. Here’s more about context: https://accentavocado.com/learning-vocabulary-by-heart-the-truth-about-it/
3) Record yourself talking about something
You can talk about ANYTHING (not like anyone’s going to hear it – unless you want to). Be your own audience and show host.
4) Listen to three songs while reading the lyrics
I’m sure you’re already doing this, but instead of just listening, look for a video with lyrics on YouTube and listen away while waiting for your bus.
5) Listen to a TedTalk
I LOVE TedTalk. In case you don’t know what it is – they’re short, powerful talks where speakers share their ideas about something. You can choose from a variety of topics.
6) Look up a recipe you recently tried, but in your target language this time
This way, you’re already familiar with it and it’ll be easier to connect the ideas. If you’re feeling super confident, you can also go ahead and look up a new recipe and make it for dinner! That’ll no longer be a quick and simple language learning activity, but it’ll sure be super fun. And delicious! Well, hopefully.
7) Read today’s news
No matter what language you’re learning, if you type ”today’s news” the search engine will find something for you. To learn a language you should also be up to date with what is going on in the country where that language is spoken.
8) Answer 10 random questions
You can find them on sites such as this one – https://allesl.com/esl-conversation-topics/
I love this one! Pretend you’re a celebrity and you get to answer the questions your fans have asked you.
9) Write about your day
How did you feel? What did you experience? Did you encounter any difficulties at work? Who did you see? You can write about anything that’s relevant to you and your day. Ideally, you’ll do this in the evening.
10) Choose a city you’d like to go to and find a travel vlog to watch
It’d be best to find a city where your target language is spoken, that way you gain an insight into its culture, which is something we sometimes forget about when learning a new language. Art, literature, the way people live is what allows you to truly immerse yourself in the foreign language, and that’s what culture is.
11) Listen to a debate or a discussion
Not only will it be interesting to watch, but you’ll learn some important expressions that’ll be useful when you want to discuss something with someone.
12) Find a How-to article to read
Two birds, one stone, right? You’ll learn how to do something AND practice your target language at the same time. Should’ve named this list ”quick and simple language learning activities that’ll make you a better person”, but let’s keep it modest. ✌
13) Pick up a book in your native language and translate
Take ANY book you like, seriously just turn around and take any book from your bookshelf. Randomly. And for ten minutes, you try to translate as much as you can. Do NOT get frustrated, just skip the parts you find hard to translate and keep it fun.
14) Listen to a podcast about a topic you know nothing about
You must be thinking – oh no, do I need to listen to something completely new AND it’s in a foreign language?
That is EXACTLY what I’m saying and you know you’ll be proud of yourself. too.
15) Look around and describe
How about stopping for a second and just being mindful about the world around you? Go out on your balcony, look out the window or simply stay where you are and describe what you see around you – is it sunny or cloudy? What color is the chair you’re sitting in? What are the people around you doing?
Hope you liked my list of quick and easy language learning activities! 🙂
Here’s a printable version: